Qualitas Health: A Journey of Growth, Collaboration, and Family Values

We are pleased to share we have moved our Head Office to Level 32, 1 Denison St in North Sydney. This premium office space allows for the growing corporate office team and training facilities for our clinic staff to upgrade their skills.

While the Head Office staff have been enjoying their new place of work, Managing Director Prash Menon (pictured left), and Chief Financial Officer Vicky Chandran (pictured right) still remember the more modest beginnings in 2010.

“Our business was a lot smaller then. It was just me and a desk in a small room in North Sydney,” says MD Prash Menon with a laugh. It highlights the stark contrast to today with over 1000 people who now work across the Healthcare Group.

“When Vicky came into the business some six months after it launched, while I didn’t know it then, it was the start of a very robust working relationship that would see us through immense challenges, diversification and growth.”

“While our core focus areas have been General Practice and Radiology, we are now paving alternate pathways to enrich the role of GPs in our Network through greater variety, flexibility and support in what we can offer and the areas we can expand.” Said Mr Menon.

As CFO, Mr Chandran has played a strategic role in positioning the business on its growth trajectory. Yet it’s a deep-etched set of family values that he and Mr Menon share that is just one of the reasons this partnership has been so effective.

“It’s about family, we see our people as family, and we recognise the importance of connectivity of our people and their communities.” Said Mr Chandran.

A sentiment felt by the longstanding Head Office staff, where the average years of employment exceed over half the business’s life.

If you are interested in joining our network, please see our current opportunities at https://qualitashealth.com.au/careers/ or contact us at info@qualitashealth.com.au.


Qualitas Health General Practice